10 Ways You Can Use Technology to Help The Bridge.

Many of you today come to The Bridge because you heard about it on social media or from someone else. Social networking has been and will continue to be a driving force in our sharing the gospel, building relationships, and meeting new people.

The beauty of using social media as a church is that every member of our community is already empowered to spread the word naturally, online and offline, through our various networks of relationships. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other tools are merely making that task easier.
So our challenge is simple: Just be you. Just love people the way you already do, and as you do, share your faith.

Here are ten ways you can help The Bridge build relationships and share the gospel. On Sunday, November 6th, we will have our first Sneak Peek Service. Our challenge is for you to do these ten things over the next week.

So here are ten ways you can help The Bridge…

  1. Change your Facebook cover photo to our current sermon series image.
  2. Post a status on your social media channels, something like this… “Join me at The Bridge Church. I am excited about what is taking place at The Bridge”, (and an event link with your status. You get the point personal and share from your heart.
  3. Text 10 people asking them to join you on November 6th at our Sneak Peek service.
  4. Use our Facebook event to invite your friends to The Bridge.
  5. Personally call one person and invite them to come with you.
  6. Start a conversation with someone today with, “Hey…what are you doing this Sunday? Come to church with me.”
  7. Click “like” on posts you see on Facebook by The Bridge, which helps our content spread further to be seen by others. Facebook’s algorithm shows people what it thinks is most “relevant,” and it makes that determination partly based on the number of likes, comments, and shares a post has received.
  8. Invite others to like our Facebook page.
  9. Help us to follow you on social networks! Email us links to your social profiles and we’ll follow you!
  10. “Check in” on Facebook every time you’re at The Bridge, or an event we’re hosting. More of your friends will see this than most of the other things you’re posting.

Bonus: If you really, really, REALLY want to go the extra mile to help us spread the word on Facebook, you can cruise over to our main Facebook page, mouse over the “Liked” button and choose to “Get Notifications.” Every time we add an update to our page, you’ll get a Facebook notification (not an email) about it and you’ll be able to click on it, “Like” it, “Share” it, etc. Here’s a screenshot:
