
What keeps you up at night? What is your worst fear? Each of us has one. At some time or another, each of us must come to grips with the particular fear that tortures our sleep, that one event or circumstance that seems to have the power to rob our lives of all joy, all happiness, all hope.

Maybe for you, it’s the fear of failure, especially the public variety. Or maybe you fear your kids want get on the right sports team or into the right school. We fear for our financial well-being. We fear for our health. We fear that our careers may never take off or that they may be brought to a sudden halt by poor economy or poor decisions. Maybe you are afraid your marriage want make it or that your child will never come back to the faith you tried to instill in him or her. The reasons we fear are as many and varied as our experiences.

Fear can inflict some ugly consequences on our lives. It steals our joy in the present and robs us of our hope for the future. It causes us to obsess over ourselves and our limitations instead of seeing all the possibilities that are available. If keeps me from connecting with other people and prevents me from allowing myself to vulnerable or trusting. It erodes my faith and confidence, preventing me from daring to do What God has called me to do in this world. It deceives me into crawling inside a box in an attempt to be safe when I was really created to take glorious risks.

Fear is a dirty enemy; it doesn’t fight fair. It finds our soft spots, our week links, and mercilessly exploits them. It whispers lies in our ears at night and saps our strength in the morning. Fear is disorienting. It can cause us to fight nonexistent enemies; it can cause us to focus on the wrong things. It creates problems with our vision.

Join us this Sunday as we start a new series called “What Keeps You Up At Night?”



Join us this Sunday at The Bridge Church

When: Sundays, at 10:00am

Where: Waxahachie Civic Center – 2000 Civic Center Lane Waxahachie, Texas 75165

We’d like to answer a few questions you might have as you decide to be our guest this Sunday.

What time are your services?
At The Bridge we meet at Waxahachie Civic Center at 10:00am starting Easter Sunday, April 16th

How do I get there?
The Bridge Church services are held every Sunday at Waxahachie Civic Center. You can get directions by clicking here.

How long are the services?
Our services last about 60 minutes and contain music and teaching from the Bible that will apply directly to your life.

Is there a dress code?
No. Feel free to dress in clothes that are comfortable for you when you come to The Bridge Church. You can “dress up” if you want, or wear casual clothes. God is interested in your heart, not your wardrobe.

What about my kids?
The Bridge has an exciting Children’s ministry where your kids will be taught the Bible in age-appropriate classes. Our goal is to make church on Sunday the best hour of your kid’s week.