The Bridge Church exist to lead people from where they are to where God wants them to be.
We do this by encouraging everyone to Love, Connect, and Serve.
- We help people love God deeper.
- We help people find community by being part of a small group.
- We help people discover their purpose and make a difference by serving our community and our world together.
- We help people take their next step in they spiritual journey.
Below are the twelve church core values that will shape our culture from the very beginning of our journey together…
Core Values:
We value biblical truth as the only foundation for the identity and mission of the body of Christ. So Scripture will be held in high regard and will be the bases of all that The Bridge teaches.
We value developing leaders and will invest time and resources into relationships and opportunities to see people grow in influence.
We value creative thinking and will give people permission to create, to try, to fail, and to attempt impossible things, using their imagination to dream big dreams for God.
We value messy ministry (authenticity) and are willing to be involved in the lives of people with real needs and problems, in a spirit of love, on behalf of Jesus who modeled this principle throughout His ministry on earth. (1 Timothy 1:5)
We value grace and acknowledge our complete dependence on the goodness and grace of God. We have benefited from grace and will eagerly extend it to others
We value strengthening families and will seek to equip husbands, wives, moms, dads and kids of all ages to relate to each other in love and harmony in a culture that often poses resistance to family strength.
We value dynamic worship in which people feel the freedom to connect and communicate with their Creator in praise, and in which seekers can observe in an understandable way the presence of God within His people.
We value every-member ministry and will seek to empower the entire membership of the church for ministry to each other according to their God given SHAPE as well as a mission in the world. Volunteers are the real heroes!
We value people, Everybody belongs. We care about the heart, not the skin, the clothes, or the body art. We believe the church ought to be a home for people of every color, shape, personality, story, age, ethnicity, and socio-economic background. We ought to be able to befriend and do life with people who are unique and different than we are.
We value global thinking in terms of tackling enormous, global issues in Christ name as well as church multiplication and will seek to foster a church planting movement that grows far beyond The Bridge Church family. We will be a part of carrying the gospel to every nation, tongue and tribe.
We value community and will seek to have every member involved in a small group. We believe life-change happens best in the context of relationships. In clusters of caring people where participants share and encourage each other toward spiritual growth.
(Hebrews 10:24-25)
We will keep it simple and stay fast, fluid, and flexible. We get creative to reach more people. We avoid adding programs and focus on living out our purposes instead. We try to stay un-busy and uncluttered. We provide clear “next steps” for every person to take. And we trust our Pastors to lead us forward without red tape, committees, and business meetings. We vote as a church on only a few things, like buying land or building buildings.
These Church Core Values will guide us along the way.