We say this all the time at The Bridge and we believe it. We want to worship with you on the weekend, but we know that growing in your relationship with Christ takes connecting with Him and others on a deeper level, and more than just once a week. That’s why COMMUNITY GROUPS exist! These are small group Bible studies that meet throughout the week. Community Groups give people the opportunity to develop friendships with others, as well as encourage discipleship and a deeper walk with God.
You’re invited to jump in and find a Community Group that makes you feel right at home!
Belonging to a Group
Every believer needs a church home, and we also need a small group of other believers for support and encouragement. We believe that spiritual growth happens as we gather regularly with a few other believers, and when we meet, our goals are simple:
– To share each other’s hurts and triumphs
– To pray for one another.
– To know one another.
– To be accountable to others.
– To encourage one another.
… and more.
Community groups are important because this is where life change happens. The “church” is not a building, a denomination, or a business organization. It’s a family of people who agree about Jesus.
Community groups meet one night a week in homes. The night is broken into three basic parts. A time for fellowship and share snacks together, a time to study God’s word together and a time to pray together.
Hosting Your Own Group
Contrary to what you might assume, you do not have to be a Bible scholar or gifted communicator to host a small group. You simply need to be a committed believer, a member of The Bridge, and have a willingness to do four things:
Have a heart for people.
Open up your home for a few friends or neighbors.
Serve some coffee and a snack (not dinner).
Take time to ask the questions.
Interested in HOSTing a group? Email us and let us know.