

What Keeps You Up At Night? What keeps you up at night? As a kid there where many different fears that kept us up at night. Those strange noises we herd, that scary movie that we watched, our active imagination, just to name a few. Many if not most of the fears I had...

Hurt People Hurt People

The worst pain I have ever had in my life is relational pain. There is a lot of pain and hurt that we all experience in life but there is something about relational pain. It just stings deeply. I can go back 5, 10, 15 years back in my life and think of things that...

It is ok not to be ok

I am not Ok. There I said it. Honestly, I don’t like to admit it. The fact that I am a pastor and leader that statement might come as a surprise to hear. But if I am honest, I have regrets and hurts in my past that still cause me pain. They still affect my...

Three ways to love your neighbor

Three ways to love your neighbor… Growing up many times I heard my parents say, “Treat others the way you want to be treated.” Perhaps you heard this many times as well. It sounds simple enough and it is an easy phrase to remember. I would even go as far to say...