Matthew Prather - March 1, 2020

Unsubscribe from Worry


Have you ever just looked down at your notifications and number is higher than the threshold that you feel comfortable with? And you feel overwhelmed. At the bottom of emails there is this little button that says unsubscribe. They want it as small as possible so you don’t see it. When you hit unsubscribe you stop receiving emails from that company. There are things in our lives that we need to unsubscribe from. Things that are causing us anxiety, worry, busyness, depression, etc.

From Series: "Unsubscribe"

Have you ever just looked down at your notifications and number is higher than the threshold that you feel comfortable with? And you feel overwhelmed. At the bottom of emails there is this little button that says unsubscribe. They want it as small as possible so you don’t see it. When you hit unsubscribe you stop receiving emails from that company. There are things in our lives that we need to unsubscribe from. Things that are causing us anxiety, worry, busyness, depression, etc.

More Messages Associated With "Worry, Fear"...

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